Monday, November 25, 2013

A little game called catch up

It is a good thing I don't blog for a living because I am terrible at keeping up with it. While it would be easy to say my typical "life has been happening" excuse....I will save it for another blog. In all honesty I'm trying to adjust to my husband being back home and his new work schedule. 

Let me try to catch you up.....

Justin returned home on November 2nd it was hands down...the 2nd best day of my life (1st being when we got married....duh). I told myself I would never let go of him again.....6 weeks was long, but we survived and our love grew....and so did his beard.....but NOT my waist line as I lost 10 pounds :). Wow what a runon sentence that was :). Anyways I have been lovin on my husband (not necessarily literally....this is a family friendly blog...geesh) and enjoying our time together. He worked 2nd shift for a couple weeks and that was rough but I knew he was coming home every night. He continues to enjoy the job and all the learning that comes with and I will never cross a railroad track like normal after all I've learned from him. Watch out I just might be the next CSX conductor - ha

Millie and Cricket are doing well. Cricket is still a pain in my hind end. Millie is gaining weight - YAY!!!! She took to Justin really well and loves him.....but not as much as her momma ;)

My job is still crazy caseload is always growing it seems and as long as it's busy then I know it will be stressful. Which has lead me to a new fashion in.....hives :/. Lucky me gets to see an allergist next week for allergy testing. Gross!!!

Justin's job is different than we thought it would be. He won't be on call like we thought and his trips to Chicago will be scarce. The positive part of that is no overnights without my husband and he has his weekends off :). The negative side is more driving to Lafayette than we had expected which has led us to.......

Put our house up for sale!!!  We met with a realtor last Tuesday and by the next day there was a sign in our yard. So far one person has looked at it (haven't heard either about that one yet). This is a big deal for us as we love our house, our quiet road and our across the street neighbors. However we have been talking about a change for us and well it sounds like Lafayette is going to be it

I told you from the beginning exciting things would be happening for the McMahan's and they are. Now if I could find a job and we could sell the adventures will beging. 

Wishing you all a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!  We have so many things to be thankful for

With love
The McMahan's