I'm posting this a day early because if work allows us to have time together tomorrow, I don't want it spent on social media.....I want it spent with my husband.
My letter to my husband - on our first wedding anniversary
Dear Justin,
It's hard to believe a year has already passed us by. At times it feels like a few days, other times it feels like many years. I know a lot of people are thinking "it's only a year", but it's been a big year. We've made job changes (2 for me and 1 for you) we packed up our lives and moved to a place where we essentially new no one. We've loved 3 foster dogs and 3 dogs of our own, and we sadly lost one to cancer. We traded in our near 2,000 sq foot home for an 800 sq foot apartment. We survived 6 weeks hundreds of miles apart. You have seen so many sides of me and yet you continue to love me everyday. This past year we've had many heartfelt conversations, a lot of them about my past as you've told me, you really just want to know more about me and you realize you will be learning until you die. We've had so many adventures in our first year. We are building a life that we a very proud of, that we have worked hard for. You, my handsome husband, are quite the super star. You put in countless hours a week at your job, traveling all sorts of places. You run on little sleep and lunchmeat sandwiches yet what time our work schedules allow us to be together, you are there, to just physically, but mentally. You are my rock. In any situation. You have celebrated all achievements I have accomplished and always tell me how proud you are of me. Justin, I am so proud of you, and I'm sure I don't say it nearly enough. I never get tired of telling people about you (although they may be tired of hearing about you). I could brag about you all, the man you are is almost overwhelming (and no that wasn't some dirty joke for you crazies out there). To walk I to the situation you walked Into (my life) took courage, patience, determination, more patience, and even more patience. I'm not an easy person to understand - but you know this and yet you still love me. You make me laugh at all the right times, and usually at the most inappropriate times too, your humor is........out there ;). You love from all areas of your heart and you always give 110%. You seriously are the dream I never imagined, or expected that I deserved.
Not only have you loved me, but you have loved my family. I'm crying as I type this because I've said it a million times, there really are no words to describe you, or our relationship, or all the ways I love you or all the reasons why I'm so thankful and so grateful for you. I can only spend the rest of days showing you. I've always heard that the first year is the hardest, we've recently started a new journey on our journey (weird) but I have no doubts we will survive and we will survive together.
You are by far the greatest joy in my life. Thank you for choosing me and for loving me, the good me, the bad me and the ugly me.......thank you for loving all of me. I can't wait to see what adventures lie ahead of us. I promise that you will never face a battle, an obstacle, a fight or a mountain alone. You will never celebrate a victory by yourself. I will always be in your corner, always your #1 fan.
Here's to the next year, may each day we find new reasons to love each other and new blessings to be thankful for.
I love you - today and everyday
Your bride :)
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