Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My sweet sweet Rocky boy

This post is hard to right - October 2012 Justin and heard about a dog that was going to be out down because his owner didn't want to take care of him anymore. I couldn't stand the thought of a dog being put down for now reason.....I convinced Justin to let us take the dog in at least until we could find a good home for him. It was almost 10:00pm and we drove to Frankton to meet......Rocky. When we met Rocky he was in terrible shape - his skin was a mess, he had fleas so bad that when we dumped water on him during his bath when he got him home blood just pours off of him from the flea bites. It was sad - he was in terrible shape but I couldn't bring myself to tell the lady we didn't want to take him. It didn't take long before Justin and I knew Rocky would not be finding another owner as we were his family and he was the perfect fit for us. 

Rocky was our gentle giant, our giant teddy bear - if he could lay on your lap, all 109.5 lbs of him, all day long he was in his happy place. Rocky loved attention, he craved affection and he gave back so much love and joy. He loved everyone, especially kids. He was the first one to greet you at the door when you came home and he little nub would wag constantly. He gave the best kisses and was the best cuddler.  He was a momma's boy (although he loved daddy too), he loved his tennis ball and stealing chewies from his sister. He had the loudest snore and it would shake the floor. Justin and I would just laugh at night. 

On September 30, 2013 I made the hardest decision I've ever made and had Rocky laid to rest. You see Rocky has cancer, was apparently blind in his right eye and was becoming very slow and lethargic. He was losing use and movement of his back right leg, he was losing control of his ability to use the restroom and I could tell he was just sad. As much as I wanted to wait until Justin returned from Georgia I couldn't make him wait 5 more weeks as I was afraid I would come home and find him gone. My parents accompanied me to the vet and I stayed with Rocky until his last breath....and a few minutes after. I petted him the whole way through and kept reminding him how much Justin and I loved him.  He went very peacefully, even though I sobbed and sobbed and cried louder than I've ever heard myself cry. You see I'm not sure who rescued whom it's easy to say Justin and I rescued him as we gave him the best last year of him life. He was loved by so many and he loved everyone. Sometimes I think Rocky saved us more because he showed us how to love, especially the ones who may not look the prettiest. 

Rocky was the best dog and losing him I lost a small part of my heart. I know he is cancer free now, he's happy and he's healthy, but it doesn't kept me from missing him. Rest in peace Rocky, run wild and run free. Mommy and daddy will see you again one day. Love you Rocky boy. 

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