Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Overjoyed heart

It seems like with every new day, my heart grows. Grows for this child we are praying for, grows for the hope of becoming a mom one day, grows for the strong and courageous woman who will trust Justin and I to love, care for and raise her child......our child.  My heart grows with excitement and anticipation.

This journey is so exciting.....more exciting that I thought it was going to be.

Justin and I are so blessed to have the friends and family we have supporting us, encouraging us, loving us and most importantly praying for us. I find myself many times during the day praying for this situation, and for every person that will become involved with this journey.

I think we are at like 98% set to "Say yes" to an agency and start the application and home study process. This is scary, overwhelming and very exciting.

Not much news to report one, but my heart is in such a happy and good place. I want to encourage all of you to find your hearts happy place, no matter what is going on in your life, there is always at least 1 thing to be so thankful for.

All of you reading this.....are my thing to be thankful for.

Continue to pray for this journey, for this adventure. Please let Justin and I know how we can pray for you. That's part of being a team.  Looking forward to having more updates soon.

Love you all,

Justin and Heather

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Another step closer....

First let me apologize for any possible typos or what not (I know all my entries are filled with them) but we don't have internet set up in the new apartment yet so this update is coming from my phone. 

Justin and I are almost at our decision for an adoption agency to move forward with (I know you can do more than 1 but we want to start with 1)  I had a very productive and encouraging phone session with the executive director of a fairly new agency.....even though the are new they seemed very promising. (I'm not going to release the name until we have fully decided and made a few more steps)

Our next step, well besides officially deciding is to move forward with the home study and the first round of paperwork. Continue to pray that we will have peace as we take each day, as we take each step and as we sign each piece of paper. Pray that God will continue to guide our hearts and guide the heart of any prospective birth mother or family. 

As we are working on our home study I will also start our adoption profile. This is a quick reference guide for birth mothers to learn about Justin and I, our families and our hobbies. I've chosen to do a scrapbook for ours - I'm really excited about this (except I have to make 3 of them)  I look forward to writing a thank you note to birth moms who consider us, look forward to telling Justin and I'm story and sharing our family with prospects. 

Once again things are getting really exciting. Continue to pray for this journey...We have felt and heard all of them so far. #mcbaby is loved so much already. Don't forget bracelets are for sale. Let me know if you want one.....or some ;)  I don't mind mailing them

Love you all
The McMahan's

Thursday, April 17, 2014

An update list....

A random post to update you on so pome things.....so here we go

1. WE ARE MOVING!!!!!!!! Unfortunatley it's not back to Madison County :( but we are moving. We hate (and I don't use that word much) but we HATE where we are. The neighbors are rude, trashy and disrespectful. The surrounding neighborhood is nowhere I would want my kids playing. And the managers of this place are crap - lazy crap who do nothing......so we are moving.....and are not being penalized for breaking our lease because my husband is AWESOME and laid down the law :)

2. This new place is perfect to bring a baby to :) (don't worry we aren't getting one soon). It's perfect size, great quiet and safe location. I feel like it's our home....until we buy a house. I feel good about bring a case manager there to do a home study. I kind of love it and we haven't moved in he

3. Our adoption bracelets have arrived!!!!!!! I love them and I'm so excited to have them. They are $2 and available to purchase so let me know if you want one. ;)

Those were by biggest updates, now let me tell you a story about those bracelets...I'm currently home sick with bronchitis (which sucks something terrible) but I just HAD to get the bracelets and couldn't wait another day. So I ventured out to UPS. The very nice woman working and I discussed the weather (so typical I know) and I mentioned how it's suppose to be nice on Sunday for Easter and that will be great for the kids. She asked me if my husband and I had kids (until recently I hated being asked that question). I told her no - not yet and then I proceeded to tell her about the package I was picking up. Her eyes got big and she said "I've adopted too". This triggered a conversation and comes to find our she has adopted horses - not babies - but she adopted them from situations where they would not be loved or cared for properly - kind of like the situation Justin and I's baby might come from. She lives in an Amish town near by and rides her horses EVERYWHERE even through town. She told me when it gets warmer to come back in and get with her and she will have us our to ride as she has 14 horses that she's adopted (don't worry we will NOT adopt 14 kids - lol) and then she said "and when you're adoption is complete you will have to bring your baby out and we will have an adoption party"

You see our bracelets are already creating stories and memories for our little one who has been CHOSEN for us. I'm so pumped

Continue to keep us in your prayers - we have some meetings and phone sessions with adoption agencies coming up. Once we select one we will move forward even more with this. 

We love you all so much!!!! 
(Don't forgot to buy a bracelet)
Justin and Heather 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Home Sweet.....

Alexandria, a town 46 miles northeast of Indianapolis, population 5,145. It's a town that is hated by many and under appreciated by most. It's a little town in Madison County and it is home. 

In that town there is a park at that park every year is a 4-H fair it's one week out of the summer where the county is united, the food is unhealthy and the friends are many. At that park is where I celebrated my marriage with my best friend. It's where we danced and laughed and ate donuts galore. Around that park is a paved path, it's a path I've ran on many times, it's the same track I walked with my mother during my awful teenage years as she cried and told me her fears for me. It's a park where my high school friends and I would walk or swing, it's the place where we wen to spend time together. Next to that park is a cemetery and my best friend is buried there. At the tender age of 11, that park showed me how fragile life was and to appreciate the special ones in your life. 

In this town there are ball diamonds, both at the high school and out behind the middle school. On those diamonds for many many summers, I challenged myself as a ball player. I hit home runs, I laid down bunts, I caught pop flys and I made some of the best friends and memories I could imagine. In this town is a bowling alley. At this bowling alley I practiced many days out of the week and found myself and my team at the high school bowling finals 3 of my 4 years of high school. At this towns high school I met people who would impact my life.....if only for a season. 

Most importantly in this town on Harrison Street, sits a church, a building....a building that I love so much. But more than that building, I love the people in the building. This church has been "home" since I was in 2nd great. Those walls have heard the deepest prayers of my soul, they have seen my tears - both happy and sad. The carpet of that church has felt my kneeling knees and that wooden altar up front has caught my sobs as I cried and as I prayed. That church created the most amazing friendships with the most amazing people to ever cross my path. The church introduced me to the Zents, the one family who I will ever be thankful to that church for, but it has led me to so many amazing people. This is the church I was baptized in, the church that when Justin and I bring our child home will be dedicated in. 

The people in Alexandria have touched my heart, I know that it's not a booming town like it once was.  But this town has made me who I am. If it wasn't for Alexandria, I wouldn't know my husband, I wouldn't be married to my best friend. If it wasn't for Alexandria I wouldn't have the support system that I have, I wouldn't have felt the prayers that have walked my life's journey with me, I wouldn't have felt the embrace of a hug from someone I love so dearly. 

If it wasn't for Alexandria, I wouldn't be the person I am, that small little town molded me. So while many people hate it and can't wait to leave, I look forward to going back and I hate leaving. I love Alexandria and I know that no matter where this life takes me, that town will always be home, my heart will always belong there. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's almost like a dream.........

Now that we've told our families that we are adopting we've started to share it more and more and every time I say "Justin and I are adopting" I get this cheesy grin.....I feel like we are telling people "guess what we are pregnant". I seriously am so excited I feel like I'm in a dream.....a little fairy tale dream. 

We haven't even met with the agency yet and I find myself thinking "would this pass the home inspection? Would a case manager see this as a red flag? Is this child friendly?"  

This could be a long process but each day is exciting.....not everyday will be I am aware but I take these days as they come. We ordered silicone bracelets to sell as our FIRST adoption fundraiser. They should be here next week and I'm excited....lol I know I'm excited about everything, but shouldn't all of this be exciting?  We've dubbed this journey #mcbaby....cute and catchy and this way our progress can easily be instagrammed....gotta love social media :). As soon as the bracelets arrive they will be for sale. We have a lot and are always open to buying more!

This is a quick random update I just don't want anyone left hanging. 

We love you all

Justin and Heather

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Blind Side....

Let me start this by saying just how much I've loved having Justin home so much since Thursday....his schedule has just worked out so well. We've been able to spend a lot of time discussing our future, especially our future with expanding our family. We've shared our thoughts oh treatment....although we know they will not help we still discuss them. It's been heart warming to see this side of him. 

Ok, so I am an avid Sandra Bullock fan, I think she is amazing. I don't think there is a movie of hers I don't enjoy....but my favorite?  The Blind Side (it's playing right now so it kind of triggered this post) but I love this story. How the family opens their hearts and welcomes in Big Mike, a man who needed a little love. A man whose world had been turned upside down due to a series of events beyond his control. I'm sure he felt helpless and that he was scared, it there was a family who fell in love with him and accepted him, regardless of where he came from. 

Bring yourself back to reality and not this excellent movie and come back to Justin and I's story. I'm excited to share that we are exploring the option and opportunities of adoption. It was a little scary at first as I felt I was being robbed the chance of being a mom and I'm sure I will still feel that at times, but the great thing about this is Justin and I felt the same thing. We feel like this is good for us. WE believe whole heartedly that made us individually and he made us as a couple to love and to parent.....in any way. Maybe ther are reasons that we can't fathom right now as to why we can't have our own kids and maybe part of that reason is there is a child (or one day children) our there who may have been born into so yucky situations if no one stepped. WE believe, we are those someone's. 

This is early we know, but should this be the right opportunity we know it could be a long one. We will attend an information session with a very reputable and Christian adoption agency at the end of the month. WE are so excited and in our hearts we feel God is leading us in the right direction. 

As our loved family and friends we ask....will you join us on this journey and pray FOR us and WITH US. Pray that if this is Gods will that He will continue to open doors for us, pray that the right expectant mother with love us (as much as we love each other), pray that financially things will fall together, (should this be the right route). Pray that if we continue on this journey that WE will lean on each other day, never lose sight or hope or determination. Join as we take the first step to a family. Join us in prayer and join us in celebration. We are so excited to share this experience with you. 

With so much love,
The McMahan's

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dear Justin,

I'm posting this a day early because if work allows us to have time together tomorrow, I don't want it spent on social media.....I want it spent with my husband. 

My letter to my husband - on our first wedding anniversary

Dear Justin,

It's hard to believe a year has already passed us by. At times it feels like a few days, other times it feels like many years.  I know a lot of people are thinking "it's only a year", but it's been a big year. We've made job changes (2 for me and 1 for you) we packed up our lives and moved to a place where we essentially new no one. We've loved 3 foster dogs and 3 dogs of our own, and we sadly lost one to cancer. We traded in our near 2,000 sq foot home for an 800 sq foot apartment. We survived 6 weeks hundreds of miles apart. You have seen so many sides of me and yet you continue to love me everyday. This past year we've had many heartfelt conversations, a lot of them about my past as you've told me, you really just want to know more about me and you realize you will be learning until you die. We've had so many adventures in our first year. We are building a life that we a very proud of, that we have worked hard for. You, my handsome husband, are quite the super star. You put in countless hours a week at your job, traveling all sorts of places. You run on little sleep and lunchmeat sandwiches yet what time our work schedules allow us to be together, you are there,  to just physically, but mentally. You are my rock. In any situation.  You have celebrated all achievements I have accomplished and always tell me how proud you are of me. Justin, I am so proud of you, and I'm sure I don't say it nearly enough. I never get tired of telling people about you (although they may be tired of hearing about you). I could brag about you all, the man you are is almost overwhelming (and no that wasn't some dirty joke for you crazies out there). To walk I to the situation you walked Into (my life) took courage, patience, determination, more patience, and even more patience. I'm not an easy person to understand - but you know this and yet you still love me. You make me laugh at all the right times, and usually at the most inappropriate times too, your humor is........out there ;). You love from all areas of your heart and you always give 110%. You seriously are the dream I never imagined, or expected that I deserved. 

Not only have you loved me, but you have loved my family. I'm crying as  I type this because I've said it a million times, there really are no words to describe you, or our relationship, or all the ways I love you or all the reasons why I'm so thankful and so grateful for you. I can only spend the rest of days showing you. I've always heard that the first year is the hardest, we've recently started a new journey on our journey (weird)  but I have no doubts we will survive and we will survive together. 

You are by far the greatest joy in my life. Thank you for choosing me and for loving me, the good me, the bad me and the ugly me.......thank you for loving all of me. I can't wait to see what adventures lie ahead of us.  I promise that you will never face a battle, an obstacle, a fight or a mountain alone. You will never celebrate a victory by yourself. I will always be in your corner, always your #1 fan. 

Here's to the next year, may each day we find new reasons to love each other and new blessings to be thankful for. 

I love you - today and everyday
Your bride :)